About Us

Our names are Mia and Sejal and we are both studying abroad in Malaysia for 11 months for the 2018-2019 school year. We both love to learn about different cultures and perspectives and are having a great time getting to learn more about Malaysian culture. The program YES Abroad provided both of us with a full scholarship and without the program neither of us would have had the opportunity to get to have this amazing experience. If anyone has any questions about the application process, how we decided to go, what we did to prepare, etc. feel free to contact us on facebook or instagram. 

Sejal’s contact information:                                          

Facebook: Sejal Mayer-Patel

Instagram: sejal_mxp 

Mia’s contact information: 

Facebook: Mia Mercer

Instagram: Mia.mercer

Check out YES Abroad: http://www.yes-abroad.org/countries 
